Friday, April 23, 2010


The paper I feel that best repersents my writing ability is the personal anaylsis paper. I have alot of feeling in their and it really is interesting to read. It really shows all the pain and anquish i was trying to put forth. Now wehn people are cirtiquing it all they can say is like personel thingss, they they would change. I really made it readeable for anyone, who wanted to listen.
Then I have my research paper. It is such a long paper, and there is so much going on it. I also have to put in my portfolio, and make it good. I find the information a little bit dry and hard to wrtie about. That is why it is hard to edit. I know the direction I need to go in, but I don't know the road to take to get there. My voice is my stongest in my papers, and the way I take information and spin in to my argument makes everything relate. The weakest part is my grammar and the emphasis to grab the reader. I hope my portfolio turns out ok.

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