Saturday, March 27, 2010

Research Paper

The topic of my research paper is the movie Jaws and how it used fear in the movie industry to make it a blockbuster hit, and how it just simply scared people from wanting to go into the water. My topic was the first blockbuster summer movie, and now it seems almost all of the best movies come out during the summer. It also shows why zombie movies are failing in society today. Lastly it shows why people are still scared of sharks and why people still kill them for no reason. My topic differs from other because it was truly the first. The first scary movie that was good, the first summer blockbuster movie, and it used something really, not a zombie or a nightmarish figure to scare people. The cultural issues I will be dealing with in my paper are how greatly the use of fear was used in the movie. The scariest things in life are those that are real, just like Sharks. I will also touch on this effected the film industry. However this will mostly deal with sharks and how at the time Little was known of sharks and this movie opened many peoples eye to the way sharks work, and it's not until now that we realize that all sharks are not Jaws, and that they are smart and don't usually attack humans. The author of the book JAWS is now an active shark savior and educates people on how good sharks are and how non scary they actually are. I'm excited to use fear and scare tactics in this paper, and hopefully why there has not been a good horror movie in a long time.

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