Friday, April 23, 2010


The paper I feel that best repersents my writing ability is the personal anaylsis paper. I have alot of feeling in their and it really is interesting to read. It really shows all the pain and anquish i was trying to put forth. Now wehn people are cirtiquing it all they can say is like personel thingss, they they would change. I really made it readeable for anyone, who wanted to listen.
Then I have my research paper. It is such a long paper, and there is so much going on it. I also have to put in my portfolio, and make it good. I find the information a little bit dry and hard to wrtie about. That is why it is hard to edit. I know the direction I need to go in, but I don't know the road to take to get there. My voice is my stongest in my papers, and the way I take information and spin in to my argument makes everything relate. The weakest part is my grammar and the emphasis to grab the reader. I hope my portfolio turns out ok.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Group E Prompt 2

I have always felt for Chris family. I can't imagine any of my family members running away and never trying to contact me. Especially his sister who did nothing wrong to him, or his mother. Only his father wronged him, and he made all of his family pay for it. The fact that they came up just to riffle through his remains really seem to unjustly his whole experience, and make Chris seem selfish. Chris's family seemed kinda responsible for the whole act of his death.
If I was Chris Family I would want to go and see the bus. There might be something comforting knowing how he lived out his last days, and maybe something that would give me comfort in knowing it wasn't what I did that drove him away. It would be hard to live with the fact that my decisions effected a family member so much that he would have to go and get himself killed. Especially when I had no clue where he was, and I couldn't help him. That would be the reasons to go there, not to experience what he did, living in the wild.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


The Primary source for my term paper is the hit motion picture JAWS. I actually had a few reasons for choosing it. The first was I wanted to find a movie that a lot of people reacted too. I also wanted to find something that also used something real in life that people could form an opinion about. The last reason I choose this movie was there is tons of information about it, that is easy to get and easy to understand. Being a fan of the movie, when reading peoples reaction to the movie I can understand where they are coming from.
The main part of my argument will be how people perceived sharks, and how they created a so called shark phobia from visual media. I will argue that so many people saw this media that they started to become afraid of sharks. Then people using this fear started over fishing for sharks and putting up shark nets in swimming areas. These nets are harmful to the local marine population but peoples fear of sharks out weigh the cost of the marine life.
That is the argument I will try to make in my paper I just do not know how well it will go...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Research Paper

The topic of my research paper is the movie Jaws and how it used fear in the movie industry to make it a blockbuster hit, and how it just simply scared people from wanting to go into the water. My topic was the first blockbuster summer movie, and now it seems almost all of the best movies come out during the summer. It also shows why zombie movies are failing in society today. Lastly it shows why people are still scared of sharks and why people still kill them for no reason. My topic differs from other because it was truly the first. The first scary movie that was good, the first summer blockbuster movie, and it used something really, not a zombie or a nightmarish figure to scare people. The cultural issues I will be dealing with in my paper are how greatly the use of fear was used in the movie. The scariest things in life are those that are real, just like Sharks. I will also touch on this effected the film industry. However this will mostly deal with sharks and how at the time Little was known of sharks and this movie opened many peoples eye to the way sharks work, and it's not until now that we realize that all sharks are not Jaws, and that they are smart and don't usually attack humans. The author of the book JAWS is now an active shark savior and educates people on how good sharks are and how non scary they actually are. I'm excited to use fear and scare tactics in this paper, and hopefully why there has not been a good horror movie in a long time.

Friday, March 12, 2010

"show don't tell"

Show don't tell is a very old writing technique that was used to guide writers. Patrica disagrees with this and says to show and tell. Like with the te cup in her essay. My writing in school mostly show about what is going on, and in doing this the person can tell what the larger picture is. If it would to subtract away from the credibility of the writing it was not done properly. If you can't show and tell something and then take away it's credibility there is quiet a problem with your writing.
The object in my room is my television. It's a Black JVC 42' LCD television, in HD. It was more unique then the other tv's because it has a IPOD dock on the bottom of it. IT flips down and a blue light lines the ipod dock section whenever the TV is on.It sits on a unique stand that is 2 and a half feet above the ground. I bought this tv while I was in Japan. It was 350 dollars off the original sale price. When I left Japan it was shipped backed to the U.S.A and somehow in transit it got a tiny scratch on it in the upper left hand corner on the top of the TV.
One thing I don't like about her article is she talked about her Grandmother mostly with a little bit of a tea cup. YOu can do that with anything, a pencil and talk about the store you bought it in, or the company that made it. The tea cup had no relevance to the story except where it came from.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Chris lived in the wild, trying to imitate his hereos(Jack London, John Haies). His heores toook very dangerous steps in the wild. Chris's heroes did live more succesfully in the wild then Chris did because they survived. The big diffference between these people is, that the knowleged they possed before living in the wild. CHris read books on it, while these people lived by it daily, until they took a huge leap into the wild. To say that they the heores stayed away from the dangerous side of the wild, is just obsered. That would be saying that there is a safe side in the wild. I do not think however the heroes would of stayed out there till they died of starvastion like Chris did. They could of been killed other ways, or got hurt not been able to travel out like Chris. I honestly do not know enough on this subject to say any other claims.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Group E Prompt

I do not believe that the life at home is why they go into the wild. I mean there are thousands of people who never talk to their family again but they never go into the wild. There has also been people who lover their families who went into the wild, but just loved the outdoors more. Chris really didn't exagerate anything. Krakuer made some leaps their but we really do not know how Chris felt about his family. The only thing we know is that Chris's dad had a seceret family that no-one knew about until later in Chris life. I think that is a reason Chris had resentmentfor his family.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Group D's Prompt

DOn't get me wrong or anything, Into the Wild is a great story with lots of passion and fats in there. If I were to write the story I would not jump to conclusions liek Krauker did. Saying that Chris didn't mingle with girls much. We only know of one instance with a girl after the bar. Just because it's not known doesn't mean to jump to conclusions. I would also use more facts on Chris, and other people who did the same thing as him. It is known lots of people do what Chris did and there is no relationship between Chris and these other people. I would support the realtionship with facts and show also show the people who live in the alaskan wild. Trying to comapre Chris with the rest of the world. This would really change the the story, but I would enjoy a more fact based novel.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Group C's Prompt

If I didn't like my parents and moved far away, I would not of want to be adopted. In Chris's case his family did love, well enought to get him a good college eduacation. I know that he and his father butted heads sometimes, but I do the same thing with my parents all the time. We can not pick our family which we were born into but we can choose our friends and the people you live with. I have lived in many places and have always had family's take me in. I may have looked at them like a family, but I never wanted to be their family. Because of my family I am the man i am today, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Chris didn't want to be adopted because he didn't want to many strings attached, and he see's himself as not wanting a father.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Group B's Prompt

During the last election I was stationed in Iraq. While I was over there Obama came over to have a visit with all of the leading generals over there. He also took time to met with some of the troops that were over there and had dinner with all of the people from Ill ions because he could only do that because he was their Senator. I thought this was amazing because he didn't quiet understand the situation and after going over there he realized he just couldn't leave the situation like he originally had said. I always have been very familiar with politics. But when Obama came and saw, and just didn't read what was in a newspaper it showed to his ability to understand. That what a specific moment in the last campaign where I felt like Obama might be a good president and his politics were more then an education and listening to adviser's opinions.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Alaskan Wild

"Do you think you could brave the Alaskan wild? What would you need to bring in order to be successful? What would be your biggest fear while...

For the sake of having something to write about I am going to say yes to I could brave the Alaskan wild. I would need quiet a few things. I would need a permanent shelter, at least a harden insulated facility that has a heater attached to it that runs of fuel that would be filled weekly magically. The Fuel would also be there to run my generator for power. The Power would be for cooking things with the stove that I would bring along, I may just use a BBQ but then I would have to get propane. I think it would be easier to just get a motor home, one of the nice ones, and tap it into one of the oil lines some how so I never have to worry about that. I think I would Also need some guns. For protection from bears and Moose. I would do my hunting in some type of amphibious assault vehicle just because I can get everywhere in one of those, and the fact that they are awesome. So if I had a motor home with a way to fuel it and a greenhouse to grow food in I think I would be OK. Lastly I would need an unlimited supply of toilet paper. It's one of those things you don't miss until it's gone, trust me. I'm sure I'm forgetting a few things, but if I'm going to the Alaskan frontier, I am going to need everything. If you can think of anything else just add it in.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blog Post 1

Hi everyone, my name is Jake. I am 22 years old. I graduated from high school and 2005 and shortly thereafter I going the United States Air Force. I have been to countries all over the world to include Japan, Iraq, and Afghanistan to name a few. I am excited to be done with the military and i am finding it hard to be back in school. I am from around the area and I hope to get a bachelors degree in food science by the time I am done with school here.